Hans, would you trust some one who kills anyone who publicly speaks against him? Would you bet 8 million Swiss lives on Putin keeping his word?

I hope the day will never come. Good luck,


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Thank you Will, you must understand us Swiss. Our aim was never to be on the grand stage of superpowers, but rather a humble but strong direct democracy that takes care of its sovereign first, the people. We do not want to be involved in any wars. Our military has a defensive character, structure and weaponry. Whilst we strongly condemn the war in Ukraine, we have no business to be part of it. We also had no business to get involved in previous deadly wars committed by the US and NATO. We are the only direct democracy on earth and we enjoy our neutrality since the Paris Accords 1815. And, yes, we learn from history and this is precisely why we should never get involved other than a strong credible mediator for peace between warring parties. There is the chance and the article here describes this quite well. Peace must always conquer war or else humanity is lost. Peace, and have a good day.

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Hi Will, no I would not if that were the case. Certainly not.

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Hans, I agree with “ why panic now” it is more strategic. I hope the day never comes for Switzerland to be forced to make a decision . But just because the Neutral strategy has worked in the past is no guarantee it will work in the future.

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I think the title and text here shown to us really targets to foster peace using a credible neutrality as a basis for a diplomatic solution. I am convinced that the Russians will sit down and talk but for this Switzerland, as I understand the writing here, first needs to go back to the neutral status pre February 2022. And as the piece here suggest, its a chance that we can not afford to miss, its our moral obligation to try our best for peace to win over war. This war has to stop fast, winter is coming and the collective damage is growing by the day.

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Excellent ..very well articulated

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A very thought provoking addition to a thought provoking Substack.

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Robert Breedlove's Substack is inspiring, truly.

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Love Pascal’s easy to digest but comprehensive understanding of what is needed by the heart and soul of neutrality - Switzerland must remain true to its constitution and continue to wave the olive branch so both sides can see the beacon of peace in the heart of a hot war!

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You are falling for Putins propaganda. On Russian television daily the talk shows are discussing conquering Europe. From a Russian talk show,

Maria Avdeeva




When I say that Putin will not stop in Ukraine, I mean exactly that. State Russian TV show in prime time discusses possible nuclear strike on Europe, Russian invasion of Poland and Lithuania and corridor to Kaliningrad, threatens Germany and Baltic states. Act now #StopRussia.”

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But those talk shows really are just show off, means nothing, its propaganda. And we Swiss are not falling for Putin propaganda. We know that NATO is a far bigger war machine and many illegal wars were done by it, mass destruction all over. Millions of killed citizens. The list is long. Just look at Iraq 1 & 2, Yugoslavia, Libya for instance. We Swiss were neutral then too. We do not belong into any foreign military alliance, we should remain small, humble and neutral. Nothing to fear from Russia. We have no oil no gas no resources, just services industries and some machinery, chocolate and watches. That's about it. And, for now, we do not belong to NATO, a good thing in my personal view. Why panic about Russia now? Makes no sense.

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Because Putin believes Russia should control the world, he is a megalomaniac. Why isn’t Putin happy with the size of Russia now? He will not stop until he is dead. Switzerland’s other choice if they go neutral,is for the entire population to learn Russian and be prepared to be ruled by Putin or his Russian replacement, then you will no longer be neutral. The only way Switzerland stays neutral in the event of a advancing Russia is if NATO wins the war.

You are placing your trust (becoming neutral) in some one who has anyone disagreeing with him terminated. Is that a bet you are willing to make for 8.6 million Swiss peoples lives? Don’t forget Hitler and the concentration camps, Mao , Kim Sung II, Ishmael Pasha, Lenin, Tojo, Hirohito , Chiang Kei Shek, Stalin etc.. history is full of murderes who did not value human life.

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

This makes no sense at all, William. Precisely because Russia is already big enough. They do not have the political will nor the army to do that kind of in your words megalomaniac expansion. Their problem seems to be Ukraine because NATO expanded to their doorstep. They felt threatened. Dont get me wrong, this war is destructive and is unnecessary.

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At what point will Switzerland defend itself, moreover at what point will it defend its friends? Putin wants all of Europe, make no mistake and if you get on his bad side, you end up jumping out of a multistory building committing suicide. You cannot let bullies have their way or you just encourage them.

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Why should Russia invade Switzerland if we remain Neutral? Tell me please, thanks.

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